August 2021: Currency Conversion and Terragrunt Support!

We released Infracost v0.9.7 recently, you can upgrade to use these features.

Currency conversion

You can now use infracost configure set currency to set your preferred currency (e.g. EUR, BRL or INR). Any ISO 4217 currency code should work, for example use XAG to see how much Silver you’re spending on the cloud 😂 The environment variable INFRACOST_CURRENCY can be used to set the currency in CI/CD pipelines. Cloud vendors usually publish prices in USD so the costs will be converted from USD to your preferred currency using the current exchange rate when the CLI is run.

The new infracost configure command can also be used to get/set your API key, and for users who are self-hosting the Cloud Pricing API, setting your API Endpoint.

Improved Terragrunt support

We have spent a lot of time improving our support for Terragrunt, and we’d love for you to try this out and give us more feedback on how to improve it further. Previously, Terragrunt users had to set INFRACOST_TERRAFORM_BINARY and specify their Terragrunt modules in the Infracost config file manually. These steps are no longer needed as Terragrunt projects are now automatically detected when passed in via the --path flag. You can read more about this initial set of improvements for Terragrunt in our docs. Please open a GitHub issue with feedback and suggestions.

Slack integration

We have always focused on making it easy to see costs within your workflow. For some companies, Slack is part of their workflow and communication flow. With that, Slack integration is now supported by all of our CI/CD integrations so pull request comments can also be posted to a Slack channel.

A few more improvements

  • When running infracost breakdown and infracost output, you can now use --fields all to output all available fields in the table or HTML output. The JSON format always includes all fields.
  • We’ve added support for the following Azure Terraform resources: azurerm_active_directory_domain_serviceazurerm_virtual_network_gateway and azurerm_private_endpoint.


We hit 4K GitHub stars and now have over 200 people on our community Slack chat! I want to give a warm welcome to new members, we’re happy to see you all in Slack and have you share your ideas, feedback, and activity with us.

  • Bruno (SRE at iFood) made an awesome two-part video showing how to use the Infracost Atlantis integration in Portuguese: part 1part 2.
  • Praveen (Lead Software Engineer at GS Lab) wrote a blog on how to deploy the Cloud Pricing API.
  • Florian (DevOps Engineer at Bluelight Consulting) wrote a blog on how to use Infracost with GitLab.
  • Russ (Practice Manager, SRE & DevOps at Node4) wrote a blog on how to use Infracost with Azure DevOps pipelines to warn users if they’re making a change that dramatically increases the running costs of the deployment.

Finally, Tim joined our team as Principal Engineer, and I was interviewed by Secfi about employee stock options as we’re hiring!

Up next!

We’re prototyping how we can populate the usage file with data from AWS CloudWatch for resources like aws_s3_bucketor aws_lambda_function. We’d love to hear your feedback via this issue.

We’re glad to see our community growing; it’s been awesome to hear your feedback on features and discuss how you’re handling cloud costs as part of your workflows. Message me on Slack or Twitter if you have any questions!

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