Origins of Enterprise Discount Programs

Recognizing the purchasing power and needs of large enterprises, AWS introduced EDPs to incentivize bulk buying and reward consistent large-volume transactions. This programs aims to create a win-win: businesses get discounts, and AWS increases sales and foster client loyalty.

Key Features of an EDP

Core components of EDPs include:

  • Scaled Discounts: The more a company purchases, the higher the discount rate.
  • Custom Agreements: Tailored terms based on the specific needs and buying patterns of the enterprise.
  • Dedicated Support: Access to priority or specialized support.
  • Exclusive Offers: Periodic special deals or offers available only to EDP members.

Benefits of an EDP

Engaging with EDPs offers:

  • Cost Savings: Significant discounts can result in substantial savings over time.
  • Simplified Procurement: Streamlined buying processes tailored to frequent and large-volume purchasing.
  • Stronger Supplier Relationship: Builds a closer relationship with suppliers, potentially influencing future products or services.
  • Consistent Terms: Standardized purchasing terms lead to predictable costs and processes.

Points to Consider Before Joining an EDP

It’s essential to review the program’s terms, understand commitment levels, anticipate future needs, and ensure the program aligns with the organization’s strategic and financial goals. Usually these programs works on an use-it-or-lose-it basis, meaning you have to spend the minimum level of commitment.


Enterprise Discount Programs provide an avenue for large organizations to optimize their purchasing power with AWS. However, to maximize benefits, companies must ensure the program aligns with their broader objectives and operational requirements.

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