April 2021 update – EC2 reserved instances and Jenkins integration!

April 2021 update – EC2 reserved instances and Jenkins integration!

Two big milestones to celebrate this month: Infracost now supports over 100 AWS and Google resources and we have over 100 people in our community Slack channel. You can upgrade to the latest version (v0.8.6) to pickup the new features. If you are using v0.7 (or older) please follow the v0.8 migration guide. 📉 EC2 reserved instances You can now do what-if anlaysis…

Infracost Docs Review With Leaders From Stripe And Uber

Infracost Docs Review With Leaders From Stripe And Uber

Last week David Nunez (Documentation Manager at Stripe) and Stephanie Blotner (Technical Writer, Manager at Uber) sat down with me to review our docs. We also discussed feature-based vs task-based docs and how early-stage startups should think about technical documentation as a key part of their product. David and Stephanie have around 20 years of experience…

March 2021: New diff command and usage file automation!

March 2021: New diff command and usage file automation!

March was busy as we added major new features and had Y Combinator’s demo day, where Hassan (our CEO) delivered an awesome 60 second pitch on a Zoom call with hundreds of investors! You can upgrade to the latest version (v0.8.3) to pickup the new features. If you are using v0.7 (or older) please follow the v0.8 migration guide. 🗒️…

Infracost diff – “git diff” but for cloud costs

Infracost diff – “git diff” but for cloud costs

Recently we released a new infracost diff command inspired by git diff. This shows a diff of monthly cloud cost estimates between the current and planned state of Terraform projects. At a high-level this might seems like a simple exercise of subtracting the current state’s cost estimate from the planned state, but cloud costs are rarely that simple to deal…

Cloud Costs Are Shifting Left

Cloud Costs Are Shifting Left

“Shift left” has become a popular buzzword for both Software Engineering and DevOps. It means introducing processes earlier in the software development cycle. The “shift left” principle started with testing. In a traditional waterfall model testing is performed just before release. Shift left testing started it earlier by introducing practices such as Test-Driven Development (TDD)…

Feb 2021: Faster runs, new resources and Atlantis!

Feb 2021: Faster runs, new resources and Atlantis!

Here’s what we released in February – big thanks to the community contributors! You can upgrade to the latest version (v0.7.20) to pickup these goodies: 🚀 Speed improvements The CLI now only runs terraform init if required since Terraform commands aren’t the fastest in the world (init usually takes 20+ secs for me, but it depends on how many…

Cloud cost alerts are too late: trigger notifications before launching

Cloud cost alerts are too late: trigger notifications before launching

Most cloud providers enable users to set budget alerts on their actual cloud spend. This is a critical safety net as usage-based resources could incur a lot of cost (e.g. data transfer). There is also another safety net that companies should set up, and that is catching significant cost changes to their infrastructure before going…

Terraform cloud costs directly from pull request to management

Terraform cloud costs directly from pull request to management

Last week I wrote about giving cloud cost estimates to DevOps teams via pull requests as they make changes to infrastructure components. The hope is to create a “Prius Effect” for cloud costs: it was observed that many Prius drivers would drive more efficiently simply because they were presented with immediate feedback on the Prius dashboard. In…